• Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
  • bnickoloff@agustadevelopment.org
  • 651-324-9492

Real Estate Development + Project Management

Augusta Development is a real estate development firm with significant competitive advantages in the development of infill land for residential, multifamily, and mixed use. Yet our project management capabilities have spanned asset classes, delivering high-end custom homes, industrial facility relocation and buildout, retail development and permitting, large planned residential communities, and specialized commercial facilities under exclusive client relationships or partnerships.

Technical + Analytical Expertise

Technical + Analytical Expertise

Technical engineering and design expertise is combined with extensive market analysis and financial modeling to determine highest and best use at major decision points in the project timeline.

Augusta Development capabilities offer the opportunity to improve any real estate acquired, thus realizing a larger supply than our investors or clients may recognize actually exists.

Augusta Development excels in development of underutilized property, an improvement to its current use. Visualize raw land or existing buildings that may be (re)developed into a more valuable use or end product. The team specializes in the entitlement and design management process to literally create new supply, especially where such supply of real estate seems limited.

Our Development Services

•Site Evaluation
•Due Diligence
•Land Acquisition
•Entitlements & Government Approvals
•Economic Incentive Identification
•Financial Analysis Master planning

Our Development Services

Finance and Capital Market

•Monitor the finance and capital markets.
•Provide types of capital (debt & equity) available to fund new development projects, as needed.

Preconstruction Services

As the industry evolves, the term preconstruction is becoming “old school,” a misnomer. In today’s reality, preconstruction refers to the diverse menu of integrated services that precede the first shovel hitting the ground and carry through – at different degrees – throughout the entire evolution of each project.

•Coordinating existing site conditions analysis
•Constructability analysis
•Managing value
•Development Schedules
•Identifying and Managing risk


Comprehensive Strategy

Augusta Development creates new supply for markets with in-demand price points. We value (relative) velocity to minimize risk.

Augusta Development vision is to democratize investment in real estate development, moving towards a platform of open investment in high-yield value creation projects through project sponsors whose knowledge of the development process greatly reduces risk.

Augusta Development also develops real estate with uncompromising integrity and innovation, taking an entrepreneurial approach to every aspect of our projects, maximizing value for clients, partners, investors alike while creating ethically defensible work.